Emerald Lakes Homeowners Association
3593 Medina Road - #182
Medina, Ohio 44256
Ron Potter,
Barry Brenesal, Secretary
Groux, Treasurer Danielle Zinn,
Trustee at large
2017 Winter Newsletter
Welcome to winter, or what's passing
for it this year. By the time you receive this, we're slated for a week of
highs in the upper 50s and 60s. But we're still technically mid-winter, which
means that anything weather-wise can happen, including plenty of cold
temperatures and snow—and probably will. With that in mind, when the lakes
freeze, remember not to let any pets out on them. Those lakes of ours look
solid, but they aren't. And a thin sheet of ice is nothing we want you and
yours to test.
While on the subject of ice: when
temperatures drop and we get any sustained snowfall, consider clearing the
sidewalk in front of your house. While sidewalks are a public service, they're
treated as private property if any accident occurs on them. Repeated freezes
and thaws can leave us all with snow-covered sidewalks that conceal a dangerous
layer of ice.
The point about accountability also
applies to poorly leveled sidewalk slabs—a problem that comes to us courtesy of
changes in weather and temperature over time. If this is an issue in front of
your house, consider getting it repaired. It's a lot cheaper than going to
court over an injury someone suffers, stumbling on sidewalk whose upkeep you're
responsible for.
There was mention made about
overgrown banks of reeds in some of lakes at our last annual meeting. They will
be dealt with this coming spring.
One of our number was driving home
the other day in a snow squall with a heavy wind, and passed a jogger on the
side of the River Styx Road. Yes, their numbers may be reduced, but some
joggers are still out there, and not always in brightly colored clothing,
either. Take care driving in and near our subdivision, especially in times of
poor visibility.
Those of us who have pets are
reminded to clean up after them with plastic bags, especially on the trails.
We've had some complaints about this, even now. Enough said.
If you haven't paid your dues by
now, you're overdue. Late fees are assessed over time, and get steadily worse.
Do yourself a favor, and pay now to support our trails upkeep, our lake
maintenance, our block party and more. These things are a real part of what
makes Emerald Lakes special.
We'll speak again this spring.
Meanwhile, stay safe and warm this winter!
a higher standard of living”