Emerald Lakes















Emerald Lakes Homeowners Association

3593 Medina Road - #182

Medina, Ohio 44256


                                                                       ELHOA Trustees:  Ron Potter, President              Barry Brenesal, Secretary

                                                                        Richard Groux, Treasurer                                  John Kreinheder, Trustee at large        Danielle Zinn, Trustee at large




        2017 ELHOA Spring Newsletter



You may recall that the Medina county library system sent their bookmobile to our Block Party last year. It proved such a success that the library system's outreach coordinator wrote us they would extend the bookmobile's route to include our subdivision for the first time, come this summer. Well, that time has arrived. And the bookmobile will make its first stop here in Emerald Lakes on Monday, June 5th, between 10:45 and 11:15 AM. It'll be in front of 6041 Emerald Lakes Drive. Visits will continue every Monday through August 14th, except for July 31st, when the bookmobile will take up residence at the Medina County Fair.


This is a great opportunity for our kids to browse and sign out books—and us adults, too, for that matter. So by all means, take advantage of the bookmobile's presence. And when you do, be sure to thank the good folks from the library system who will be there, for having made this opportunity available to us.


Remember, we have our Emerald Lakes & Trails Clean-Up this Saturday at 9 AM, starting at Champagne Shores' southern cul-de-sac. Gloves, sacks, coffee, donuts and juice will be furnished by homeowners and hosts, Scott and Tressa Reisberg. You only have to bring yourself, and a willingness to help remove light refuse from the land we jointly own.


Spring brings many things, including muskrats. If you find them on your property or the commons, see if you can spot their burrows, because that's the ideal place to stop the infestation. In any case, we have a trapper on call to deal with them.


Please remember to clean up after pets as you walk them on our trails. We're continuing to receive complaints about this.


We're also receiving complaints about algae in our lakes. Algae treatment is ongoing, but only so much can be done without exceeding the maximum use of the chemicals allowed in our lakes by law. Meanwhile, if you live near or on a lakefront, one way you can help out is to avoid using fertilizer within ten feet of a lake, or using it as a dumping ground after mowing your lawn. All of that organic refuse—grass cuttings, fertilizing compounds, earth and water—makes for what can only be termed an algae's idea of a fantastic brunch buffet. The less we offer it, the better. Run off excess water into the street for sewage processing, and bag the cuttings.


And more reports: this time, we're getting them about unleashed dogs. If you see one around our neighborhood, don't try to collar or corral the dog yourself. Instead, call the Montville Police at (330) 725-2204. They're equipped to handle these situations.


We'll speak again this summer. Meanwhile, enjoy the warmer weather!




“Preserving a higher standard of living”