Emerald Lakes




Emerald Lakes Homeowners’ Association

P. O. Box 1979

Medina, Ohio 44258


ELHOA Trustees:                                                                                                                               Karen Warkany, Secretary

Richard Groux, President                                                                                                                    Don Brunner , At Large

Jesse Reznik, Treasurer                                                                                                                       Rev. Ron Potter , At Large 

June 25, 2011 

Dear Homeowner, 

Your board of trustees has entered into an agreement with Davey Resource Group to accomplish invasive vegetation control surrounding two of our lakes. This will involve the removal of species such as Typha angustifolia (narrowleaf cattail) and Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass). In addition, some Salix spp.(willows) will be cut and removed from the lake along Emerald Lakes Drive. Finally, we will install plants in the association’s common area of the lake along Emerald Lakes Drive. These species will be low-growing, aesthetically pleasing and will assist with the prevention of invasive species re-colonization.

If homeowners wish to have planting done on their property, they can contact Davey Resource Group to make arrangements for this service  

Davey will utilize low-volume foliar applications via 125-gallon spray tank (within Homeowners Association controlled areas) and backpacks (within private lots) to control cattail and reed canary grass. In order to effectively treat invasive species within private lots, access must be granted prior to fieldwork. Davey will not perform treatments on properties where written permission has not been obtained. 

Willows within the Homeowners Associated controlled area along Emerald Lakes Drive will be cut and removed. In order to follow wetland regulations, these stumps will be cut close to ground level and treated but will not be removed via grubbing. All willow branches will be removed from the site. Willows will not be treated or removed on private lots. Follow-up treatments may be necessary to control re-growth in subsequent years. 

An aquatic approved, glyphosate-based herbicide will be used at label rates in order to follow all state and federal guidelines concerning aquatic herbicide usage. Although this herbicide is labeled as safe for aquatic use, due to the fact that these areas are on or directly adjacent to private lots, Davey suggests that these areas be avoided for at least 2 days. Davey will place signs at every treated area; however Davey will not be responsible for any claims alleged from person or persons entering these areas or lakes during or after treatment. 

Davey biologists are careful when applying herbicides and use proper techniques and equipment that minimize loss to adjacent non-targeted vegetation such as native plants or lawn/turf. However, due to the nature of the technique, if overspray does cause temporary or permanent damage to personal property, Davey is not responsible for such damage. 

To effectively remove these invasive species, we would ask that all homeowners whose property extends into the lake give their permission to Davey Resource Group to access their property.  

“Preserving a higher standard of living”