Emerald Lakes





Emerald Lakes Homeowners Association Newsletter
December 8, 2003
B. Wiegand, Editor

Greetings from the Board

Welcome to the first newsletter from your newly elected Board of Trustees. We thank you most sincerely for your support and participation. 78% of you, in person or by proxy, were at the November 6 meeting - an excellent number. And please keep in mind that to change our By-laws, we will need even more of you: 80% in person or by proxy to vote "yes".


New Board Members

Your new Board members are Anthony Feora, Dan Kuhn, Mike Norris, Barbara Wiegand, and Rick Zeuch. Dan Kuhn is the Association President, Rick Zeuch, Secretary, and Mike Norris, Treasurer. Danielle Kilkelly has been named Assistant Treasurer. The Trustees have met weekly since the election and will continue to do so as long as needed. They are making good progress in several areas while others will have to wait for further attention. They are now reviewing all existing contracts and securing services needed in the immediate future. Many ideas have been considered; some have had to be post-poned because of time and/or money constraints. One that has been post-poned is compiling a directory of homeowners showing interests, who is available for baby-sitting, lawn mowing, etc. If you have suggestions, please call or write any of the Trustees.

Help Needed

* An architect or landscape architect to work with the Architectural Review Committee
* Tell trustees what aspect of Association work you are interested in doing.
* Homeowners to help maintain Common Areas, Trails, and Lakes.

Declaration and By-Laws

The basic purpose of an Association is to protect and enhance the value of our properties and the Declaration and by-Laws are the rules by which everyone must operate. We intend to revise the current By-Laws but until that is done (and voted in by 80% of you) the current ones must be followed by all. Please read the rules before you build fences, sheds, etc. so you know what to expect.

Need a copy of the By-Laws or other Association documents? They are available at the Medina County Recorder's Office. Also, all Trustees, members of the Committee for Change, and many of your neighbors have them. There are six documents: the Declaration and ... Covenants, four Amendments, plus the Bylaws.


Check out our new web site. It will be expanded to include items such as Minutes, By-Laws, etc. E-mails will be forwarded to the Trustees.

Snow plowing

Plowing of Champagne Shores and Knots Landing begins only if snow reaches 2" as it did last Friday.

Season's Greetings

You will be hearing from us again soon. In the meantime, please contact any Trustee with offers of help, questions, or suggestions. And to you all a very happy holiday season. 01/02/04